Great piece. Interesting that you bring up Michael Brown in Ferguson. Our race relations continue to be a stubborn mystery to me here in the US. And with the years the mystery only gets cloudier. For example, how would you include Trayvon in this analysis. Obama said he could be “my son.” Was Obama trying to latch onto some victimhood chic? Or was Trayvon not the victim? It sure looks like that Zimmerman character was a schmuck, as was the policeman who shot Brown. I have met a lot of white schmucks who wear police uniforms or act like the cop of the block.
Here’s the great mystery to me: which is worse, the stupid white redneck or the self-righteous black cry-bully? For example, I am thinking of that hideous “screeching woman” who was made famous briefly for swearing loudly at the professor at Yale who;s wife got railroaded out of the Ivy League for writing something in defense of Halloween costumes. The screeching woman’s name is Jerelyn Luther, and she was particularly obnoxious.
I bet she’s doing just fine write now, with a cush job somewhere in a neo-liberal paradise while continuing to screech on about safe spaces and triggers.
God help us all.
I reported on the OJ trial in 1994. I wanted to write about all the black racists I met down at the courthouse. The liberal magazine I was writing for wouldn’t hear of it.
When the students at Howard University cheered so loudly for the innocent OJ verdict, that was the day my heart really sank. How can people cheer for the violent slasher to death of two innocent human beings, no matter what their race? So sad.